Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weather Quick Change

OMG!  Check out the change in weather . . .

What a day!

Until Next Time,


Busy Day Today!

Sunshine . . . Mmm, I love it.  Like many other people in the world, I suffer from SAD  and it can really stop you from enjoying life.  I have learned ways to cope, like using daylight lamps and light fixtures when ever I work or am seditary, just sitting and crocheting.

Today it was a day of sunshine, the second in a row - signs of spring to me!  In enjoyed watching the snow melt and just had to share some pictures of my muddy, but snowless yard.  (almost snow less!!)

I spent time at my desk today, catching up on blogs.  I working on my blog design that I am creating.  It is slow going.  I am just so right brained that after a while of writing HTML  I space off and end up doodling in my ART journal.  I have to confess I keep it handy when ever I work on the computer or am talking on the phone.  Even while watching T.V. - I like to keep it handy so that I can doodle during commercials.

(My desk area by the computer)

(can't miss my Art journal and marking pens)

Time to head off to the Studio and get some work done today!  I have to admit, I am always in the mood for the studio.  LOL!

Have a great day today!
Until Next Time,